Winner of the 2019 Wells Contemporary Art Exhibition People's Choice Award, Georgina Lowbridge seeks to capture observational moments of her own experience of everyday British family life, which she often finds amusing. As a result, the people in her current paintings are only friends and family. This allows her to really depict the world she lives in and to convey a sense of affection which is lost when painting strangers. It is very important for her to have a connection with the sitters and the environment in which she is observing them due to the intimate nature of the paintings.
These are scenes to which many may be able to relate and perhaps the viewer can chuckle at the familiarity. Painting the domestic interior, she captures the relationships between people, as well as the relationship between the people and their environment. Large in size, the viewer can feel they are part of the scene. The titles, often ironic, emphasise the humour she finds in the scene, as well as reflecting her own sense of humour.